We need more of this approach to parenting and teaching in the US!

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Jun 26Liked by Early Learning Nation

THIS is terrific. Have long advocated for “Flourish Envy” as in we need, the U.S. to stop fighting each other and start demanding the laws, practices, and policies that make Scandinavian countries the happiest in the world. Much of myopic and click-bait driven society practices what is called in recovery circles “contempt prior to investigation” — automatic disdain for anything NOT being shoved down their throats — like so many French geese being force-fed to be fattened for the kill — that calls universal health care, paid family leave, state supported day care, paid college or community college, SOCIALISM. As if our late-stage capitalism, where most wealth, business assets, and advantage are being hoarded by the 1% whose privileged children are afforded the best schools while authors of the terrifying “America 2025” plan intend to gut public schools and widen the inequity gap.

Nordic values are the anti-inequity.

Here where systemic poverty and racism are baked in, likely by design to keep the school-to-prison pipeline filled for our privately owned prison industrial complex, the idea of children being reared with an understanding of suffering a little for “the greater good” would be so so so welcomed. If only we could give folks that cold, bracing blast of Nordic air to help them clear their heads — and perhaps their collective consciences — and see the handwriting on the wall as to how our synaptically grooved path is only building more discontent, death-dealing heat, disease, inequity, racism, and fear into our lives. One might think this is a feature, not a bug.

And all would be served well to take a look at the now 10-year-old Michael Moore documentary, “Where to Invade Next” that highlights the joy, heartiness, resiliency, support for new parents, children, the education and restorative justice systems, in Nordic and other European nations.

The work-life balance balance of Italy, the devotion to children’s school lunch nutrition and learning to savor healthy food, the Icelandic Youth Project that totally turned around youth heading into trouble by upping recreation, cutting homework, and building community?

We need flourish envy and to replicate every support Scandinavian countries are providing their expectant and new parents and caregivers.

K.C., thank you for this terrific review of a book I am buying in the next five minutes, and likely sharing widely.

It is a message that may be too late for our society bent on the immediate gratification of lower taxes for more “now” money to spend on our own self-serving purposes of barely surviving while being bilked by under-regulated, price-gouging conglomerates brainwashing us to believe taxes are bad, government is bad, the boss and the white patriarchy know best.

The hearty Vikings and other Scandinavian countries have proved that wrong.

Serving and sacrificing for the greater good — even in the discomfort of lousy weather — makes for infinitely happier, healthier, more joyful people.

Thanks for the great book review, analysis, and recommendation!

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